







サム・アルトマン(Sam Altman)OpenAI最高経営責任者


(I think it's good that we and others are being held to a high standard. We can draw on lessons from the past about how technology has been made to be safe and how different stakeholders have handled negotiations about what safe means.)



(We have our own nervousness, but we believe that we can manage through it, and the only way to do that is to put the technology in the hands of people.)


ウルズラ・フォン・デア・ライエン(Ursula von der Leyen)欧州委員会委員長


(Our future competitiveness depends on AI adoption in our daily businesses, and Europe must up its game and show the way to responsible use of AI. That is AI that enhances human capabilities, improves productivity and serves society.)


アントニオ・グテーレス(António Guterres)国際連合事務総長

政府は、現在の AI 開発に関するリスク管理の枠組み、監視方法、将来の損害を軽減するために、テック企業と早急に協力しなければいけません。


(We need governments urgently to work with tech companies on risk management frameworks for current AI development, and on monitoring and mitigating future harms.)


そして、発展途上国が AI の大きな可能性から恩恵を受けられるように、AI へのアクセスを可能にする体系的な取り組みが必要です。デジタル格差を深めるのではなく、埋める必要があります。

(And we need a systematic effort to increase access to AI so that developing economies can benefit from its enormous potential. We need to bridge the digital divide instead of deepening it.)


ギータ・ゴピナート(Gita Gopinath)国際通貨基金チーフエコノミスト



(Everybody agrees that this is transformational, with a lot of promise, but also risks associated with it. We have a new study that shows that 40% of the global workforce is exposed to AI – that doesn't mean it's a bad thing.

Some fraction of that will benefit, it will raise their productivity, that fraction is about half of that 40%, and the other half will have a hard time, maybe lower wages, displacement and so on.)


李 強(Li Qiang)中華人民共和国国務院総理

AI はどこにでも存在し、万能であるように見えます。しかし、人々はAIに慣れるまでに時間がかかっています。他のテクノロジーと同様にAI は諸刃の剣なのです。



(AI is everywhere, it seems omnipotent, but people are still taking time to get used to it. Like other technologies, AI is a double-edged sword.

If it is applied well, it can do good and bring opportunities to the progress of human civilization and provide great impetus to the industrial and scientific revolution.

But at the same time, it also poses risks to security and ethics. China believes technology must serve the common good of humanity, it must do good, and the same applies to AI.)


サティア・ナデラ(Satya Nadella)マイクロソフトCEO



(The biggest lesson learned is we have to take the unintended consequences of any new technology along with all the benefits, and think about them simultaneously – as opposed to waiting for the unintended consequences to show up and then address them.

I don't think the world will put up anymore with any of us coming up with something where we haven't thought through safety, equity and trust – these are big issues for the world.)




ちなみに、アメリカ合衆国大統領のジョー・バイデン(Joe Biden)氏は、アントニオ・グテーレス国連事務総長が言うように、AIの開発、使用についてテック企業と安全性、セキュリティ、信頼という3 つの基本原則を基軸とした約束を取り交わしています。








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